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How to monetize a mobile game?

They are different business models:   -           Premium is he most traditional model, premium games are apps that are sold at a specific price. The developer takes usually 70% of the sales and the store take the other 30%. Usually a Premium apps doen't get as many downloads as a freemium app and does less revenue. -           Freemium is the most common business model for mobile game and the one which statistically give you the most downloads and revenue. The game is free and has in-app purchases. -           In-app purchases.   This is the most important business model for mobile games in term of volume. It means that your app is free but you can buy virtual goods inside the app. For example in car games, you can buy petrol. In many games, you will have to buy an economy including an hard and a soft currency. The hard currency is the one you buy with real money. You will need to make a plan with the sinks of money and the sources of money. -           Subscription