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How to survive in Silicon Valley?

Silicon Valley, the place where the money is smart. Silicon Valley is the name of the bay area of San Francisco, north from California. It’s the world most famous place of innovation where companies like Apple, Google, Facebook are located. It’s a place and a model resisting to the crisis and that keep attracting the best start-ups and talents worldwide. Why there?  It all started with the University of Stanford and its close collaboration with US ministry of defense. To work with the department of defense allowed companies to benefit from a generous founding and a secure market. Today the Silicon Valley is the perfect mix of three main factors: Knowledge (The University of Stanford and Berkeley are ranked in the 3 best ones worldwide), Money (one third of the world risk capital is located in Silicon Valley) and the proximity to the biggest ICT and biotech companies. Why is the money smarter there than anywhere else? Today start-ups need to think global and to exec